Homer and Marge Simpson Set To Divorce After 26 Seasons. According to an executive producer for “The Simpsons,” Homer...
US Rapper Rick Ross Arrested For Possession Of Drugs. Popular rap artiste, Rick Ross has been arrested by sheriffs in...
Acting Legend Sir Christopher Lee is Dead. British actor, Sir Christopher Lee, famous to several different generations for countless...
Earlier in April, Bruce Jenner came out as a woman, spoke about her transition to being a woman in...
North West is going to be a big sister. After struggling to conceive, Kim Kardashian revealed that she’s expecting her second...
Happy Birthday celebration to one of Nigeria’s most humble musician, Patrick Nnaemeka Okorie (aka Patoranking). We wish you more success and...
MTN Project fame winner and Nigerian sweet heart, Chidinma Ekile wows her fans with beautiful pictures of her radiant...
Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State, who remarried recently, has revealed that he met his new wife a virgin....