American Idol is an American singing competition series created by Simon Fuller and produced by 19 Entertainment, and is distributed by FremantleMedia North America. It began airing on Fox on June 11, 2002, as an addition to the Idols format based on the British series Pop Idol and has since become one of the most successful shows in the history of American television. The concept of the series is to find new solo recording artists, with the winner being determined by the viewers in America.
The winner of the show is largely determined by viewers votes. With the popularity of the show in America, the voting is almost as popular as American presidential elections, lol. Yes, it is that popular. A father, Travis Driscoll of Ankeny wanted to help his daughter on American Idol, so he made a large sign on his car. “You know I talked to her the other day,she said that she’s going to perform this week,” said Driscoll. “We needed to get votes out there, and get people voting so I’ll make a sign.”
Driscoll built the sign on a hinge so he can fold the wooden sign over to get the vehicle inside his garage. He also had to write a note on his windshield to remind him not to pull in before putting the sign down.
Driscoll said he is glad there was something he could do to help. “Just being there for her, if she needs something we’re there,” said Driscoll. He wants people to watch the show and vote. “It’s easy to do,” said Driscoll, when it comes to voting.
How To Vote on American Idol:
Voting can be tough to figure out for reality competition shows sometimes, but fortunately, American Idol has five different ways you can vote for your favorite performers in 2015.
You can vote in one of five ways:
2) Text voting (pay attention to broadcast prompts)
3) Google (just type “American Idol Vote” or “Idol Vote” into the search bar to get started)
4) Toll-free calling 5) FOX NOW mobile app*
* Voting is available on FOX NOW for iPhone, iPad, Android, and the latest Kindle Fire devices.